Financing the resilience of infrastructures

Roundtable Chair Debate

,   -
Dauphine, salle A709

French event

The resilience of infrastructures is a key issue, as demonstrated by the bill on the resilience of critical infrastructures and the strengthening of cyber security tabled in mid-October. Infrastructures are exposed to increasing risks - natural, technological and man-made. Over and above the challenge of assessing investment needs to ensure resilience, the issue at stake is the financing of investments to ensure continuity of service and/or avoid the costs - both financial and human - associated with repairs following increasing climatic hazards.

This raises a number of questions:

  • Between anticipation and the cost of inaction, how do infrastructure operators integrate resilience into their decision-making and investment cycles?
  • Given the volume of funding required, how can an economic optimum be found? What trade-offs should be made between investment to ensure business continuity and the redefinition of expected service levels?
  • How can we overcome the high costs of resilient infrastructures while ensuring long-term profitability? What about internalising climate risk in economic models to ensure that adaptation costs are covered?


This debate was moderated by Angelos Souriadakis, Fondateur et Senior Partner, Cabinet Kea Ylios.

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