Digital regulation
This working group proposes to develop a common reflection, in order to develop an argued point of view on the regulation of digital platforms in the context of the current European (and American) debates. In particular, it is a question of thinking about how to implement responsible governance while allowing for innovation. The question of the effectiveness of public action and its articulation with the constraints of competitiveness is also central.
Transport, Energy and Climate Economics (TrEnCE)
The Transport, Energy, and Climate Economics Working Group (TrEnCE) organizes academic presentations on diverse topics within the umbrella fields of transport, energy, and environmental economics and offers a place for researchers of these closely related subfields to exchange. We focus on research in economics, but we also welcome relevant contributions from related disciplines. We welcome works at all stage, especially ongoing works to benefit from discussions.
Public Governance
The Public Governance working group focuses on the relationships between public and political institutions, civil society and the market, and studies them through the prism of the tools and concepts of economic analysis. Particular emphasis is placed on the collection and use of original data. The work is based on various research projects carried out within the Chair, such as: the study of administrative or historical archives to study the regulation of industry and markets over a long period of time and its consequences; the analysis of interactions between economic and political institutions; the behaviour of elected politicians and the implications for public policy; the making of European policies through the prism of a detailed study of the legislative process and public consultations; or the comparison of regulatory policies between OECD countries.
These topics are considered empirically and discussed by a group of economists and data scientists as well as by external experts.