Academic Director
The Governance and Regulation Chair is headed by Eric Brousseau, Scientific Director, Governance and Regulation Chair & Club of Regulators.
Executive delegate
The activities of the Chair and the Club are organised and coordinated by Olga Hein, General Delegate, Governance and Regulation Chair.
The Board
Each of the stakeholders – patrons, expert partners, institutional partners, the Steering Committee and the Director of the Chair, as well as the Fondation Paris-Dauphine – is represented in the Chair’s Board.
The Board members are:
- Éric Brousseau, academic director of the Chair, Professor of Economics & Management at Paris Dauphine-PSL University
- Hervé Alexandre, Professor of Finance at Paris Dauphine-PSL University
- Emmanuel Belluteau, for Cour des Comptes
- Christophe Benavent, Professor of Management at Paris Dauphine-PSL University
- Claudie Boiteau professor of public law at Paris Dauphine-PSL University
- Christophe Boutin, for ASFA
- Dario Colazzo, professor in Computer Science at Paris Dauphine-PSL University
- David Ettinger, Professor of Economics at Paris Dauphine-PSL University
- Henri Isaac, Lecturer in Management at Paris Dauphine-PSL University
- Dominique Jamme (French Energy Regulatory Commission), for the Club of Regulators
- Julien Jourdan, Professor of Strategy at Paris Dauphine-PSL University
- Virginie Krause, for SNCF
- Pauline Leroux-Colin, Director of Strategy, Dauphine Foundation
- Alice-Anne Médard / Philippe Ayoun, for IGEDD
- Philippe Pascal / Camilo Perez-Perez, for Groupe ADP
- René-Louis Perrier, for Ecologic
- Virginie Pignon, for ENEDIS
- Simon Porcher, associate Professor of Strategy and Public Management at Paris Dauphine-PSL University
- Grégoire Postel-Vinay, for the General Economic Council
- Guillaume Rondeau, for RATP
- Jean-Luc Sauron, for Conseil d’Etat
- Angelos Souriadakis (Ylios), for experts partners
- Joëlle Toledano, Professor of Economics at CentraleSupélec
- Gérald Vignal, for RTE
- Robert Zarader, President, Bona fidé Agence
Its role: The Board is responsible for defining the Chair’s programme of activities, determining the composition of the research team, establishing the annual budget and supervising the implementation of the defined work programme. It meets at least twice a year.
The Steering Committee
The Steering Committee brings together six academics involved in the Chair’s activities and who represent the diverse fields of expertise. It is composed of:
- Éric Brousseau,
- Hervé Alexandre (Professor of Finance at Paris Dauphine-PSL University),
- Christophe Benavent (Professor of Management at Paris Dauphine-PSL University),
- Claudie Boiteau (Professor of public law at Paris Dauphine-PSL University),
- Dario Colazzo (Professor in Computer Science at Paris Dauphine-PSL University),
- David Ettinger (Professor of Economics at Paris Dauphine-PSL University),
- Henri Isaac (Lecturer in Management at Paris Dauphine-PSL University),
- Julien Jourdan (Professor of Strategy at Paris Dauphine-PSL University),
- Simon Porcher (Associate Professor of Strategy and Public Management at Paris Dauphine-PSL University),
- Joëlle Toledano (Professor of Economics at CentraleSupélec),
Its role: The Steering Committee comprises members of the Chair’s academic team representing its primary areas of expertise. Its role is to advise the Academic Director in preparing the programme and overseeing its implementation. It meets four times a year.