Using a cross-sectoral approach, the Governance and Regulation Chair sets itself the aim of furthering our understanding of the dynamics, procedures and performance of regulation. It focuses on the technical, organisational and institutional challenges faced by the different players concerned by regulation. Both the topics addressed and the approach adopted, which combines conceptual and operational thinking, provide assurance that the Chair’s research relates to their specific problems, while maintaining a relevant and original vision.
A network of regulatory experts and stakeholders
The Chair is supported by a solid academic network, with a strong international dimension.
The members of the Chair are specialists, both academic and non-academic, in regulation and public action, as well as in electronic communications, digital platforms, energy, transport, health, finance, public infrastructure, audiovisual and the media.
It provides a platform for work and exchange with a wide range of partners:
- consulting firms that bring a strong operational dimension to the work,
- entities involved in public policy analysis at both national and international level,
- regulated companies involved in the Chair as patrons,
- regulators grouped together in an independent Club but working with the Chair.
Other actors, and in particular the users, are involved in the Chair’s working groups and meetings.
Research, training and debate
The Chair Governance and Regulation operates in three ways :
- carries out research projects on the organisation and assessment of economic governance with the aim of formulating proposals for adequate framework and tools,
- provides training programmes conceived for young academics as well as professionals,
- contributes to the public debate on governance and regulatory issues by disseminating knowledge to different audiences, and organising working groups and events involving the stakeholders.
> Supporting the Governance and Regulation Chair
> Our key figures have been growing steadily since 2015