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Raymond Aron (2ème étage), Université Paris-Dauphine |
The energy transition is creating many challenges for electricity networks, both transmission and distribution. Uncertainties over the evolution of electricity demand, the development of self-consumption, and technological developments such as storage and digitalisation are creating a new context for changes to the regulation of electricity networks. In particular, the conference will explore two challenges for regulators and grid operators in the changing regulatory framework:
- What are the network investment requirements in the context of an energy transition characterised by a growing proportion of variable and spatially dispersed energies?
- What regulatory framework is needed to ensure efficient investment and avoid the risk of stranded costs, given the uncertainties involved? How can we move from a cost-plus approach to one that makes operators responsible for their investment choices? What changes to the regulatory framework would make it possible to experiment with new financing models?
The conference will bring together representatives of the CRE, network operators (Enedis and RTE) and academics to identify possible changes to the current regulatory framework, drawing in particular on experience abroad.
- Christophe BONNERY | Président, AEE
- Philippe BOULANGER | Expert Marchés Énergie, CELEST
- Eric BROUSSEAU | Directeur scientifque, Chaire Gouvernance et Régulation
- Patrice GEOFFRON | Directeur, CGEMP – Université Paris-Dauphine – PSL
- Benjamin GUEDOU | Chef du Pôle Régulation et Tarif, RTE
- Antoine GUILLOU | Conseiller Réseaux et Marchés, UFE (Présentation disponible en ligne)
- Jan Horst KEPPLER | Directeur scientifique, CEEM
- Jacques MERLEY | Chef du Pôle Appui stratégie aval à la Direction de la Stratégie Groupe, EDF
- Jonas MEYER | Chargé de Mission Économie et Prospective, ENEDIS (Présentation disponible en ligne)
- Fabien ROQUES | Conseiller scienti que, CEEM & AEE (Présentation disponible en ligne)
- Nicolas SAMBOURG | Chef du pôle Valorisation, Investissements et Filiales, RTE (Présentation disponible en ligne)
- Philippe VASSILOPOULOS | Director of Product Design, EPEX Spot
- Charles VERHAEGHE | Chef de département, Département Transport d’électricité, Direction des réseaux, CRE (Présentation disponible en ligne)
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