Jean-Michel GLACHANT

Jean-Michel GLACHANT

Directeur, Florence School of Regulation

Jean-Michel Glachant is the Director of the Florence School of Regulation and the Holder of the Loyola de Palacio Chair. Glachant took his Ph.D. in economics at La Sorbonne in France. He worked in the industry and private sector before becoming professor at La Sorbonne. He has been advisor of DG TREN, DG COMP and DG RESEARCH at the European Commission and of the French Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE). He has been coordinator and scientific advisor of several European research projects. Jean-Michel Glachant has been editor-in-chief of EEEP: “Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy” (an IAEE journal) and he is vice-president of the International Association for Energy Economics.

Nos communautés

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Nos partenaires

Les entreprises

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Les institutions publiques

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Les experts


Les membres du Club des régulateurs

  • ACPR
  • ANJ
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