Replay | Circular Economy: How to (better) implement the principle of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

Chair Debate

image illustrative
Author Peter Börkey
Marta de Cidrac
Jean Hornain
René-Louis Perrier
Lohengrine SCHÜLZ
Resource type Replay
Publication year 2024

May, 31st 2024

Following on from the work of the ‘Club of Rome’ in the early 1970s, the principle of economic players (manufacturers, distributors, importers, marketers) taking responsibility for all or part of waste management was introduced into French law in 1975. However, it was not until the early 1990s that a system for processing household packaging was established. From the 2000s onwards, other specialised channels were set up, depending on the characteristics of the waste to be treated.

Nos communautés

  • Dauphine 300.png
  • Fondation 300.png
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Nos partenaires

Les entreprises

  • ASFA_Log_CRVB_0.png
  • Ecologic-logo-rvb.png
  • logo_GROUPE_ADP_cmjn_0.png
  • RATP couleur grise.jpg
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Les institutions publiques

  • logo_conseil_2009_fr_gris_0.png
  • Logo_CGE-01_0_0.png
  • Cour des Comptes_0_0.png


Les experts


Les membres du Club des régulateurs

  • ACPR
  • ANJ
  • ARCEP new-court_2.png
  • logo_ART_cmjn.png
  • Logo DGAC_quadri_0.png