Scientific Director, Chair Gouvernance and Regulation & Club of Regulators

Eric Brousseau is the Scientific Director of the Chair Gouvernance and Regulation and the Club of Regulators. Eric is Professor of Economics and Management as well as Director of the Doctoral School at the University Paris-Dauphine. He is one of the creators of the Master Program “Network Industries and Digital Economy” (IREN), jointly operated between Dauphine, Polytechnique, CentraleSupélec, TélécomParisTech and the University Paris-Sud. He is also the director of the Master Program “Telecom and Media Management” (226) and in 2002 he founded the Institutional and Organisational Economics Academy (IOEA), and presided over the International Society for New-Institutional Economics (2013-2014). He is also an honorary member of the Institut Universitaire de France.

Online resources


Synthesis Eric BROUSSEAU, Olivier Appert, Benjamin Gallezot, Jean-Michel GLACHANT, Guillaume de Goÿs, Paul Malliet, Joseph Dellatte, Benjamin Delozier, Valérie Drezet-Humez, Diana-Paula Gherasim, Jeromin Zettelmeyer, Luc Rousseau, «Synthesis | Ecological transition and geopolitical issues», Read more
Replay Eric BROUSSEAU, Olivier Appert, Benjamin Gallezot, Jean-Michel GLACHANT, Guillaume de Goÿs, Paul Malliet, Joseph Dellatte, Benjamin Delozier, Valérie Drezet-Humez, Diana-Paula Gherasim, Jeromin Zettelmeyer, Luc Rousseau, «Replay | Ecological transition and geopolitical issues», Read more


Synthesis Eric BROUSSEAU, Manuel Cabugueira, Fabien Couly, Laura Lassila, Tara Morice, Luisa Perrotti, Julien Uri, «Synthesis | Disruptive platforms and sector regulation», Read more
Replay Eric BROUSSEAU, Laura Lassila, Fabien Couly, Luisa Perrotti, Tara Morice, Julien Uri, Manuel Cabugueira, «Replay | Disruptive platforms and sector regulation», Read more
Synthesis Adrien Basdevant, Anne Bouverot, Eric BROUSSEAU, Bertrand Pailhès, Giada Pistilli, Isabelle Ryl, Benoît Sagot, Joëlle TOLEDANO, «Synthesis | What data regulation regimes are needed to train artificial intelligences?», Read more
Replay Adrien Basdevant, Anne Bouverot, Eric BROUSSEAU, Bertrand Pailhès, Camilla Penzo, Giada Pistilli, Isabelle Ryl, Benoît Sagot, Joëlle TOLEDANO, «Replay | Open configuration options What data regulation regimes are needed to train artificial intelligences?», Read more
Replay Jean-Noël Barrot, Pascal Belmin, Franziska Brantner, Eric BROUSSEAU, Lucas Eustache , Oliver Ganser, Martine Gouriet, David Krieff, Véronique Lacour, Oscar Lazaro, Borris Otto, Sébastien Picardat, Jakob Rehof, Amal Taleb, Hubert Tardieu, Joëlle TOLEDANO, Bert Verdonck, Yvo Volman, «Replay | Data sharing in Europe: DGA and DA, from legal consensus achievement to implementation by stakeholders», Read more
Synthesis Jean-Noël Barrot, Pascal Belmin, Franziska Brantner, Eric BROUSSEAU, Lucas Eustache , Oliver Ganser, Martine Gouriet, David Krieff, Véronique Lacour, Oscar Lazaro, Borris Otto, Sébastien Picardat, Jakob Rehof, Amal Taleb, Hubert Tardieu, Joëlle TOLEDANO, Bert Verdonck, Yvo Volman, «Synthesis | Data sharing in Europe: DGA and DA, from legal consensus achievement to implementation by stakeholders», Read more
Working paper Eric BROUSSEAU, Jean-Michel Dalle, «Innovation and Cohesion Policies in the context of Global Competition: towards a European “Venture Commons”», Read more
Synthesis Claudie BOITEAU, Eric BROUSSEAU, Aurore Laget-Annamayer, «Synthesis | The opening up to competition of passenger rail transport in Europe», Read more

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Les membres du Club des régulateurs

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