Senior Electricity Analyst, International Energy Agency |
Matthew Wittenstein joined the International Energy Agency’s Gas, Coal and Power Markets Division in 2014. As a senior electricity analyst, he focuses on the economics of generation, the challenges of encouraging investment in clean energy technologies, and electricity market design. He was a lead co-author of the 2015 Projected Costs of Generating Electricity study, the Development Prospects of the ASEAN Power Sector report, and the IEA’s 2016 Thailand Electricity Security Assessment. Matthew is currently leading the IEA’s work on cross-border electricity security.
Prior to joining the IEA, Matthew was a Fellow in the US Department of Energy’s International Climate Change Office, where he supported the Clean Energy Ministerial, a global forum dedicated to sharing best practices and promoting policies and programs that encourage and facilitate the transition to a global clean energy economy. In his role, Matthew chaired the incentives working group of the Super-efficient Equipment and Appliance Deployment (SEAD) initiative, and managed the 21st Century Power Partnership, a platform for public-private collaboration to advance integrated policy, regulatory, financial, and technical solutions for the large-scale deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency, as well as smart-grid technologies.
Mr. Wittenstein holds a Masters of International Affairs from Columbia University, with a concentration in international economic policy.