Mario Campolargo

Mario Campolargo

Former Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Administrative Modernisation of the Portuguese Government

Mário Campolargo was Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Administrative Modernisation of the Portuguese Government (from March 2022 to March 2024), working directly with the Prime Minister and responsible for the digitalisation of the economy, society and public administration, the management of the digital chapter of the Portuguese Resilience and Recovery Package and the National Information and Cyber security, amongst other policies.

In 2022 he was Director General at the European Commission (Directorate-General DIGIT), in charge of the global strategic and operational coordination of the directorate-general responsible for the IT and Communications of the European Commission, responsible for the building up and support of the digital Commission, focusing particularly on creating a digital and cybersecure culture, having led the definition and implementation of the European Commission’s Digital Strategy.  He also led European policies and initiatives in the field of Interoperability (including the COVID digital certificate) and the Modernisation of European Public Administration.

From 2008 to 2016 he was Director at European Commission DG CONNECT, heading the "Net Futures" directorate (responsible for the Internet of the Future, including 5G, Cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IOT), Smart Cities and corporate innovation initiatives, such as Startup Europe) and the "Emerging Technologies and Infrastructures” directorate (responsible for Future and Emerging Technologies, ICT-based Infrastructures for Science, Cybersecurity, and Internet of the Future experiments). 

From 1999 to 2008, he was Head of Unit of "GÉANT and e-Infrastructure", in charge of several R&D portfolios focussed on implementing global e-Science infrastructures. at the DG Information Society where he was a senior staff member since 1990. 

Previously he was a researcher at the Telecommunication Studies Centre (Aveiro) for 12 years and headed the Software Engineering division, was the Portuguese representative at the International Telecommunication Union and led several European projects.

Mario Campolargo graduated in Electrotechnical Engineering from the University of Coimbra (1978), has a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from Imperial College of London (1983), a Postgraduate Degree in Management from École Solvay of Brussels Free University (1992) and a Diploma of European Studies from UCLouvain - Catholic University in Louvain (1995). 

Mário Campolargo is a Portuguese National, born in Ílhavo in 1956.

Online resources


Replay Eric BROUSSEAU, Jakob Rehof, Laure de La Raudière, Lucas Eustache , Oliver Ganser, Frederic Sutter, Pierrick le Masne, Joëlle TOLEDANO, Laurent Lafaye, Sébastien Picardat, Thorsten Fülling, Marie-Claude Charles, Pierre Gronlier, Catherine Simonnin, Sven Löffler, Antoine Kubiak, Hubert Tardieu, Yvo Volman, Boris Otto, Mario Campolargo, Anne YVRANDE-BILLON, «Replay | Data-sharing in Europe: the implementation challenge», Read more

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