Associate professor, Lausanne University |
Martino Maggetti is an associate professor at the Institute of Political, Historical and International Studies (IEPHI) at the University of Lausanne. His current research interests focus mainly on regulatory authorities, multi-level decision-making processes, the domestic impact of soft law, and transnational private governance. He teaches public policy, mixed methods, and regulatory policy. His articles have appeared in Business & Society, European Journal of Political Research, European Political Science Review, International Review of Administrative Sciences, Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of European Public Policy, Political Research Quarterly, Regulation & Governance, Swiss Political Science Review, and West European Politics. His latest books are "Regulation in Practice" (ECPR Press 2012) and "Designing Research in the Social Sciences" (Sage 2013, with Fabrizio Gilardi and Claudio M. Radaelli).