Next session open to the public :
Thirsting for Solutions: The Impact of Drinking Water Scarcity on Migration
Creation : Group launched in October 2020.
Coordinator : Shahmeer Mohsin
Composition : Regular participants include doctoral students, post-doctoral students and researchers associated with the Chair who are working on transforming energy or transport systems or deploying eco-responsible economic models. External researchers with an interest in the topics covered also take part in the group's work on a regular basis.
Theme : The work is organised around academic presentations on various subjects in the fields of transport, energy and environmental economics, and the group provides a forum for exchange between researchers in these closely related sub-fields. The work is mainly in the field of economics, but contributions from related disciplines are regularly welcomed. The group allows both the presentation of very accomplished work and the discussion of research in progress, enabling authors to benefit from comments to refine their work.
Themes covered include but are not limited to the following topics:
- Fighting transportation externalities: congestion, air pollution, etc.;
- New mobility services;
- Renewable energy resources;
- Vehicle-to-grid;
- Environmental challenges: deforestation, biodiversity, natural disasters, etc.;
- Regulatory issues and evaluation of decarbonisation policies
Work organization : The TrEnCE working group is organized by the Governance & Regulation Chair at the Paris Dauphine University, PSL. The working group organizes a weekly presentation every Wednesday afternoon (12:15-13:30 PM CET) Our sessions are held online; to subscribe to our mailing list or to volunteer as a future presenter, you can write to the coordinator, Shahmeer Mohsin:
Outcomes : Discussions in the working group have allowed enriching exchanges in the subject matters of interest to the working group and allowed presenters to gain valuable feedback on their work.