Transport, Energy and Climate Economics (TrEnCE) - Next session

Chair Research

The next working group meeting on "Transport, Energy and Climate Economics" will take place soon.

Speaker : 

Paper : 

Abstract :

Relevant information :

  • Our sessions are held online, here the Teams link for this session.
  • The Transport, Energy, and Climate Economics Working Group (TrEnCE) is organized by the Governance & Regulation Chair at the University Paris Dauphine-PSL. Usually, the working group usually organizes a weekly presentation every Wednesday afternoon (12:15-1.30pm CET) within topics under the umbrella fields of transport, climate, environment and energy economics.
  • To subscribe to our mailing list or to volunteer as a future presenter, you can write to the coordinator, Shahmeer Mohsin :

Nos communautés

  • Dauphine 300.png
  • Fondation 300.png
  • SIOE_logo_RGB_0.png
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Nos partenaires

Les entreprises

  • ASFA_Log_CRVB_0.png
  • Ecologic-logo-rvb.png
  • logo_GROUPE_ADP_cmjn_0.png
  • RATP couleur grise.jpg
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  • Le+logotype_0_0.png


Les institutions publiques

  • logo_conseil_2009_fr_gris_0.png
  • Logo_CGE-01_0_0.png
  • Cour des Comptes_0_0.png


Les experts


Les membres du Club des régulateurs

  • ACPR
  • ANJ
  • ARCEP new-court_2.png
  • logo_ART_cmjn.png
  • Logo DGAC_quadri_0.png