Decarbonising air travel: how to organise sobriety

Roundtable Chair Debate

,   -
Dauphine, A709

Event in French

Air travel accounts for 4% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the transport sector and 1.2% of French emissions. For short-haul flights, the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME) estimates that GHG emissions per passenger-km represent 0.2 kg of CO2, making air travel a highly polluting mode of transport.

In 2022, ADEME published three ecological transition scenarios for the sector, which mobilise three decarbonisation levers at different scales: improving the energy efficiency of aircraft, using sustainable fuels to reduce the carbon intensity of energy, and controlling and reducing traffic.

In April 2023, the aviation sector drew up and submitted to the Government its decarbonisation roadmap for achieving the objectives of the National Low Carbon Strategy. This roadmap focuses in particular on the massive deployment of sustainable alternative fuels and the industrial-scale deployment of new technologies (more efficient technologies and hydrogen-powered aircraft in particular). Despite the downward effect of the additional costs of these levers on traffic demand, the sector is nevertheless forecasting growth in demand for air transport by 2050.

On 19 October 2023, the Governance and Regulation Chair organized a breakfast debate on the decarbonisation of the aviation sector, looking in particular at the role, organisation and economic consequences of a possible reduction in traffic.

The debate brought together :

and was moderated by Catherine Galano, Associate Director in the Paris office of Frontier Economics.

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