Elena Gallo
Head of the Water Tariff Unit at the Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment (ARERA) |
Industrial economist, she has been involved in public utility services (telecommunications, railways, electricity, gas, water & wastewater services and, recently, urban waste and district heating) for more than 25 years, starting as a consultant, then working in operating companies and finally on the regulator’s side. In the period 2006-2009 she was appointed as an external expert in two different Governments commissions, ending this activity when starting to work in ARERA (the Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment). After the attribution of regulatory competencies on water and wastewater services (end 2011) she has headed the “Tariffs” Unit, then the “Quality of Water Supply and Metering” Unit, ending as deputy director of the Water Systems Division. In July 2023 she was appointed deputy director of the Investments and Environment Sustainability Division that, in addition to water and wastewater services, deals also with urban waste services and with district heating.
She attended various conferences, published articles in specialised press and collaborated to some books.