Théophile Megali

Théophile Megali

Chercheur associé de la Chaire Gouvernance et Régulation, Associate researcher at the Governance and Regulation Chair. Project leader at ArcomChargé de mission à l'Arcom

Théophile Megali is a research associate at the Governance and Regulation Chair. After defending his doctoral thesis on "Regulation put to the test of innovation: the case of online advertising", he was recruited by Arcom as a project manager for "Advertising markets and solutions" in September 2020.

He also worked for Orange's SENSE (Sociology and Economics of Networks and Services) R&D laboratory as part of his thesis, which was carried out in management sciences but from a trandisciplinary perspective. Before joining the Chair in October 2016, Théophile also worked for a year on public affairs for a French energy company specialising in renewables (ENGIE).

He is also a graduate of SciencesPo Strasbourg and holds a Master of Business, Competition and Regulatory Law from the Freie Universität Berlin and a Master in Network Industries and the Digital Economy (IREN) from Paris-Dauphine. 

Online resources


Research Paper Théophile Megali, «Digital advertising data: from accumulation to redefining value and practices », Annales des Mines, n° 18, Juin 2022 « Les données de la publicité numérique : de l’accumulation à la redéfinition de la valeur et des pratiques »  Read more
Research Paper Théophile Megali, «Digital Platforms as Members of Meta-Organizations: A Case Study of the Online Advertising Market », Read more


GovReg Note Théophile Megali, Henri ISAAC, «The digital advertising market in the age of platforms», Read more
Working paper Théophile Megali, «Does Quality Really Matter? Exploring Data Quality Assessment in the French Online Advertising Market», Read more
Working paper Théophile Megali, «Digital gatekeepers as meta-organization members: the case of the Coalition for Better Ads», Read more


Thesis Théophile Megali, «Demand for regulation. Investigation into the online advertising market and its self-regulation», 24 June 2020 Read more

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