Paola Chirulli
Professor of Administrative Law , University of Rome |
Professor of Administrative Law at the Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome, where she teaches Administrative Law and Competition Law.
Member of the scientific board and of the teaching staff of the Master in Public Economics.
Member of the teaching staff of the Sapienza PhD programme in Public, Comparative and International Law and coordinator of the Administrative Law programme.
Principal investigator in several academic research projects, coordinator if the Sapienza Unit of the 2011 National Research Project (PRIN) on rail transport (liberalization, regulation and protection of rights).
Alternate member of the Board of Statutory Auditors, Bank of Italy.
Visiting fellow at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London (October 2015-June 2016).
Member of the Italian Association of Administrative Law Professors (AIPDA) and founding member of the Italian Association of Environmental Law (AIDAmbiente).
Member of the executive board of the Italian Association of Planning Law (AIDU).
Member of the scientific board of the Italian Journal of European public Law (Rivista italiana di Diritto pubblico comunitario), Rivista giuridica dell’Edilizia and Rivista giuridica di urbanistica, and member of the board of referees of many A ANVUR journals.
Practising lawyer with a specialization in administrative law.
Research interests: administrative law and justice – Italian, European and comparative - public contracts, regulation, planning and environmental law.