Associé, BPV Hügel, Germany and Austria |
Christian Schneider is an academic teacher since 1997 (currently annual courses on “Regulatory Law with particular Focus on Economic Aspects” and on “Telecommunication Law”) and an examinator for constitutional law at Vienna University since 2015.
Since 2004, he is Partner at bpv Hügel Rechtsanwälte GmbH, Vienna/Mödling/Baden/Salzburg/Brussels, head of the Environmental Public Regulatory (EPR) Practice Group.
He is the author of some 70 scientific publications, inter alia:
- Regulierungsrecht der Netzwirtschaften (Regulatory law of the Network Industries) I and II (Post-doctoral thesis, 2013)
- Commentary to Articles 63-66, 75, 168 TFEU in Jaeger/Stöger, TEU/TFEU (since 2002)
- Die Zulassung von Schienenfahrzeugen nach dem EisbG im Lichte der Eisenbahnsicherheit, der Interoperabilität sowie des Binnenmarktes (The certification of Railway Vehicles in the light of Railway Safety, Interoperability and Internal Market), Zeitschrift für Verkehrsrecht (Transportation Law Journal) 2008, 570