PhD in management sciences & associate Professor, Paris-Dauphine University

Henri Isaac was previously Director of Research and Academic Director at Neoma Business School (2009-2012) and Vice President of Digital Transformation at Paris-Dauphine University (2014-2016).

He's now Director of the Dauphine Master "Management Telecoms & Media".

As a specialist in information systems and the digital economy, his research, at the frontier of the field of information systems and management, focuses on the effects of technologies on companies and their management.

He is the author of numerous articles in academic journals such as Journal of Business Strategy, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, International Journal of Mobile Communications, French Journal of Management.

He is the author of a report on the "Digital University" for former Minister of Higher Education, Mrs. Valérie Pécresse.

He is President of the Think Tank “Renaissance Numérique”.

Some publications : Author of "E-commerce. Towards connected commerce "(4th edition, 2017, Pearson France) . Co-author of “Digital Marketing "(2017, Pearson)," Distance Work & e-Management "(Dunod, 2013).

Online resources


GovReg Note Théophile Megali, Henri ISAAC, «The digital advertising market in the age of platforms», Read more


Synthesis Jen ABLITT, Ana BARRETO ALBUQUERQUE, Eric BROUSSEAU, Cristina CIFUENTES, Vanessa DA SILVA SANTOS, Annegret GROEBEL, Henri ISAAC, Sandy LAPOINTE, Jim FOX, Jean-Yves OLLIER, Anna PIETIKAINEN, Anne YVRANDE-BILLON, «Synthesis | Data collection, processing and publication», Read more


Anna BARKER, Yann BONNET, Patrice FLICHY, Henri ISAAC, Tim LAMB, Jean LESSI, Meryem MARZOUKI , Timothée PARIS, Etienne PFISTER , Nathalie SONNAC, Werner STENGG, Joëlle TOLEDANO, «Disruption numérique et régulation», Read more


Henri ISAAC, «National regulation vs. transnational players & Markets», Read more
Synthesis Pierre-Jean BENGHOZI, Alberto BIANCARDI, Cristina CIFUENTES, Nicolas CURIEN , Eric DEBROECK, Richard FEASEY, Annegret GROEBEL, Henri ISAAC, Marianna KARTTUNEN, Sébastien LÉGER, Isaline MERLE D'AUBIGNE, Etienne PFISTER , Joëlle TOLEDANO, Huy Nguyen Trieu, Marshall VAN ALSTYNE, Verena WEBER, Anne YVRANDE-BILLON, «Synthesis | Disruptive business models and regulation», Read more
Synthesis Nicolas BOULANGER, Nicolas DESMONS, Henri ISAAC, Richard MONTBEYRE, Matthieu MORIN, Jean-Yves OLLIER, Etienne PFISTER , Nicolas QUINONES-GIL, «Synthesis | Monitoring activities: between traditional observation methods and Big Data», Read more

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