Anike Te

Anike Te

Chief Strategy Officer of Lucideon Group Ltd

Anike Te is an industrial strategist, honorary professor and advisor focused on long-term strategic growth and innovation with a background in finance and internal controls, clinical healthcare, and trials. She is passionate about science, advancing treatments and diagnostics for patients, and supporting materials and technologies for sustainability purposes.

Anike is the Chief Strategy Officer of Lucideon Group Ltd., an international materials design, development, and commercialisation consultancy. She has held the position of CSO since 2018, is a member of Lucideon’s Strategy Management Group, and previously served on the Group Business Development Board. In this global-facing role, Anike advises Lucideon on long-term strategic direction and how to develop and commercialise key new activities around technology trends and drivers of the future in healthcare, energy, construction, aerospace, ceramics, and synthetic and engineering biology. 

Since 2022, she has been the Aegis Professor of Engineering Biology at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom. In this role, she supports engineering biology transitioning from academia to commercial and industrial applications, such as for novel therapeutics, diagnostics, and materials. She previously served on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Bristol Centre for Engineering Biology (BrisEngBio) and contributed to its strategic direction.

Anike was appointed as Strategic Advisor to the Chief Scientific Officer of the UK Health Security Agency in June 2024.
Her diverse background and experience contribute to the strategic direction she advises. She has been an internationally registered Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) since 2006, is a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors of Switzerland (IIAS) and has held positions in internal auditing. Anike also gained clinical experience while treating patients as a dentist and spent over four years managing global clinical trials for two leading companies focussed on implant-based dental restorations. She has experience of the requirements, procedures, and regulations needed to conduct these clinical trials. 

Anike lives in Switzerland with her family

Online resources


Synthesis Eric BROUSSEAU, David Winickoff, Douglas K. R. Robinson, Brice Laurent, Lyric Jorgenson, Virginia Dignum, Isabel Webb, Miguel Amaral, Roland Ortt, Mar Gonzalez, Anike Te, Paweł Świeboda, Howard SHELANSKI, Tammy JihHsuan Lin, Daniel Nadal, Claudia Werker, Daria Onitiu, Jane Kaye, Peters Mills, Joëlle TOLEDANO, Daniel Andler, Pierre Larouche, Vladislava Bar-Katz, «Synthesis | Agile Approaches for Governing Emerging Techonologies», Read more
Replay Eric BROUSSEAU, David Winickoff, Douglas K. R. Robinson, Brice Laurent, Lyric Jorgenson, Virginia Dignum, Isabel Webb, Miguel Amaral, Roland Ortt, Mar Gonzalez, Anike Te, Paweł Świeboda, Howard SHELANSKI, Tammy JihHsuan Lin, Daniel Nadal, Claudia Werker, Daria Onitiu, Jane Kaye, Peters Mills, Joëlle TOLEDANO, Daniel Andler, Pierre Larouche, Vladislava Bar-Katz, «Replay | Agile Approaches for Governing Emerging Technologies», Read more

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