Medeina Augustinavičienė
Konkurencijos taryba, (Conseil lituanien de la concurrence) |
Medeina Augustinavičienė was appointed a member of Konkurencijos taryba for the tenure of six years starting from 11 November 2019. Prior to this position, since 2015 she was a Chief Adviser at the National Commission for Energy Control and Prices (currently National Energy Regulatory Council), and temporarily worked as the Head of the Heat and Water Department.
From 1998 to 2010 Mrs Augustinavičienė served as a Chief Expert of the State Aid Division and the Services Division in Konkurencijos taryba. Later on she was appointed the Head of the Services Division and the Public Entities Supervision Division. In 2010-2015 she worked in the Communications Regulatory Authority as the Head of the Strategy Department.
After graduating with a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Vilnius University, Mrs Augustinavičienė obtained a Master's degree in Applied Macroeconomics. From 1995 to 1996 she studied at the University of Turin in Italy.