Stefan Remmert
Head of the general regulatory affairs team of Deutsche Bahn |
Born in North-Rhine – Westphalia (Germany)
Master's and doctoral thesis in European and public international law (fundamental freedoms, world trade law and economic sanctions to protect human rights) at the University of Passau. French degree (Maîtrise en droit européen et international) at the University of Toulouse 1 – Sciences Sociales.
Stefan Remmert is head of the general regulatory affairs team of Deutsche Bahn and has been working as in-house consultant for European affairs and international associations, regulation management and German-French matters of Deutsche Bahn group.
He was board member of French rail association AFRA and is giving lectures in Master 2 programs at the university of Paris 1 - Sorbonne and at Sciences Po Strasbourg. Besides his mother tongue, he speaks English, French and Italian.