David Winickoff

David Winickoff

Head of the Responsible Innovation Unit, OECD

David Winickoff is the Head of the Responsible Innovation Unit in the Division of Science and Technology Policy at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris. He is also the Secretary of the Working Party on Bio-, Nano- and Converging Technology and co-lead on the Global Forum on Technology. In these capacities he oversees research, policy work, and soft law development in the area of science, technology, and innovation at the national and international levels. David has over 60 publications at the intersection of technology and governance, appearing in e.g. Science, New England Journal of Medicine, Berkeley Technology Law Journal, Nature Climate Change, Social Studies of Science and the Yale Journal of International Law. He is also an Affiliated Professor and teaches technology in global governance at SciencesPo Law School. He is a graduate of Harvard Law School, Yale College and Cambridge University where he was a Paul Mellon Fellow. Prior to his work at the OECD, he was a tenured professor at the University of California, Berkeley, where he directed the Program on Science and Technology Studies and supervised PhD students in law, STS, and Environmental Policy. He has served on expert panels of the U.S. National Academies, U.K. Royal Academy, the Bipartisan Policy Center, and has also served as an expert for the French Parliament.  He is on the Programme Board of the Rathenau Institute in The Hague.

Ressources en ligne


Synthèse Eric BROUSSEAU, David Winickoff, Douglas K. R. Robinson, Brice Laurent, Lyric Jorgenson, Virginia Dignum, Isabel Webb, Miguel Amaral, Roland Ortt, Mar Gonzalez, Anike Te, Paweł Świeboda, Howard SHELANSKI, Tammy JihHsuan Lin, Daniel Nadal, Claudia Werker, Daria Onitiu, Jane Kaye, Peters Mills, Joëlle TOLEDANO, Daniel Andler, Pierre Larouche, Vladislava Bar-Katz, «Synthèse | Agile Approaches for Governing Emerging Techonologies», Lire la suite
Replay Eric BROUSSEAU, David Winickoff, Douglas K. R. Robinson, Brice Laurent, Lyric Jorgenson, Virginia Dignum, Isabel Webb, Miguel Amaral, Roland Ortt, Mar Gonzalez, Anike Te, Paweł Świeboda, Howard SHELANSKI, Tammy JihHsuan Lin, Daniel Nadal, Claudia Werker, Daria Onitiu, Jane Kaye, Peters Mills, Joëlle TOLEDANO, Daniel Andler, Pierre Larouche, Vladislava Bar-Katz, «Replay | Agile Approaches for Governing Emerging Technologies», Lire la suite

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