Michel BOYON
Conseiller d'État honoraire, Avocat à la cour |
Graduated from the Institute for political studies (Institut d'études politiques), former student of the National School of Administration (École nationale d'administration), Michel Boyon was appointed to the Council of State (Conseil d'État) in 1970. He was Government Commissionner for the litigations courts and President of Chamber. He taught public law. He managed the cabinet of François Léotard, Minister for Culture and Education, and Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Prime Minister. He was President of Radio France, of Réseau ferré de France and of the Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel. President of the CELSA (École des hautes études en sciences de l'information et de la communication) and of the cultural association Eurovisioni, he is currently attorney at the law firm Jeantet.