Author(s) |
Eric BROUSSEAU Jean-Michel GLACHANT Edmond Baranès Ivan Faucheux |
Publication type | Synthesis |
September, 23rd 2021
Digital technologies are revolutionising the energy sector. Digital technology is transforming the way energy is produced, while at the same time having a major impact on the way it is consumed. The stakes are high, especially at a time when the energy sector is already facing up to the energy transition.
Digital technologies are producing the most remarkable changes in electricity in particular. The transformations are manifold and are profoundly changing the way networks are organised and managed. Digital tools that are well integrated into existing networks are helping to optimise traditional networks. Faced with these developments, electricity regulation must adapt to meet the new challenges posed by the emergence of new business models.
To shed light on these issues, the Conseil Général de l'Economie and the Governance & Regulation Chair at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL organised a conference on 23 September 2021, with two round tables to discuss two major questions: the challenges of operating the electricity system, and new business models and the reorganisation of players.