Author(s) |
Julie ANSIDEI Anne-Lise BONTEMPS-CHANEL Anna CRETI Olivier DE BANDT Catherine GAMPER Annegret GROEBEL Matteo RAVA Myriam MERAD Philippe TRAINAR |
Publication type | Synthesis |
April, 17th 2019
Climate change triggers a new set of risks: transition risks derived from a shift in the socio-technic paradigm in many domains, physical risks driven by extreme and unforeseeable events, and domestic and international political risks. These intertwined risks challenge the ability of regulators to guarantee a level playing eld and to offer predictability and security to investors, operators and users. New risk transmission mechanisms might emerge in the financial and insurance sectors to tackle climate-related issues.
This conference was an opportunity to discuss both the evolution of risks and potential solutions in network industries and the financial and insurance sectors.
This report summarises the contributions to the conference "Climate risks and regulation" organised on 17 april 2019.