Juan Jose Montero Pascual, UNED Madrid and Florence School of Regulation

Séminaire académique La Chaire Recherche

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Dauphine room A 409 / or online

Juan Jose Montero Pascual

Mobility-as-a-Service. What role for public authorities?

The integration of the different transport modes into a single app where information is provided and passengers can acquire tickets poses different challenges. Transport service providers are reluctant to share their data with digital platforms, and even more reluctant to recognize them as distributors selling transport tickets. There is a growing consensus that some data sharing obligations on transport providers might be necessary to overcome bottlenecks. There are different legal basis for imposing such obligations, which will be explored in the seminar. Furthermore, there is a growing consensus that digital platforms can grow into market power positions, as demonstrated in other industries, which might require certain obligations to ensure contestability and fairness in the relationship with transport providers. Public authorities are taking an increasingly active role as enablers of Mobility-as-a-Service. There are different models, and some lessons can be drawn from such experiences.

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