Dario Colazzo
Professor in Computer Science at Paris Dauphine-PSL University |
- PhD in Computer Science, University of Pisa (2004)
- Master in Computer Science, University of Pisa (1998)
- PRAIRIE Fellow since 2024.
- Adjoint Professor (part-time) at Ecole Polytechnique (2016- )
- Professor at Dauphine University - PSL (2013- )
- Member of the INRIA OAK Team (2010-2013) - Délégation CNRS (1 year, 2010)
- Associate Professor, LRI, Paris Sud University (2005-2013)
- Visiting Researcher at: LRI, Paris Sud University (2004-2005), Ca’ Foscari University, Venice (2003-
- 2004), ENS, Paris (2002, 2 months).
- Phd Student at University of Pisa (1999-2022)
- Research contract at University of Pisa (1998) - Member of Ufficio Informatica e Centro Elaborazione
- Dati del Comando Regione Carabinieri Toscana, Italy (1996-97, Military service).
Institutional responsibilities
- Main manager of the Executive Master on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, at the DEP department of Dauphine, (2019- ) • Co-director of the IASD Master (apprenticeship) at MIDO, Dauphine (2020- )
- Head of the Data Science Team at LAMSADE, Dauphine (2015-2020)- I have been mandated by LAMSADE to mount this team after my arrival at 2013.
- Co-director of the MIDO department at Dauphine (2 years, 2018-2019)
Honors and awards (partial list)
- I have been awarded the PEDR prize by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, form 2009 to 2025. • A paper appeared in VLDB’23 has been awarded the Reproducibility badge and Artifcat Badge for the quality of the provided code, scripts and data. Results of my Master thesis at Pisa have been published at LICS, the top-level international conference on logic and computer science.
- At ACM ICFP’04, an accepted paper presenting results of my PhD Thesis has been selected among the best papers for a top-level journal publication (Journal of Functional Programming).
- At DBPL’07, our paper has been selected among the best papers for publications for a top-level journal publication (Information Systems)
- More than 50 conference papers published at both national and international level, including top level conferences like LICS, ICFP, EDBT, VLDB, SIGMOD, CIKM, ICALP, as well as more than 15 journal papers in international journals, including selective ones like TKDE, TODS, TCS, JFP, IS, VLDBJ. I have given several tutorials in highly selective international venues, like ICDE (2011), SIGMOD and EDBT (2019).
- list of publications https://dblp.org/pid/c/DarioColazzo.html
Transfer activities and patents
- Collaboration with the COHERIS company in the context of a CIFRE PhD Thesis on leveraging context and content information for better recommendation systems.
- Collaboration with the Credit Agricole bank in the context of a research grant (25K Euros) for developing techniques for automatic reasoning on RDF data.
Professional activities (partial list)
- PC Chair of the French database conference BDA’2024, guest editor of Transactions on Large-Scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems journal. Member of PC programs of top-level conferences like VLDB, EDBT, SIGMOD, IJCAI, PODS.