Lara Connaughton
Sustainability Lead at the Commission for Communications Regulations (ComReg) |
Lara currently leads the sustainability work at ComReg, the Irish Commission for Communications Regulation, as part of the International Unit. Lara is a member of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) sustainability Working Group, and the Irish delegate for the OECD Working Party on Communication Services and Infrastructures (CSI).
Lara has been a speaker on numerous panels, including at the European Leadership Academy, at the OECD’s Technology Foresight Forum in Paris, and at Forum Europe in Brussels. She was shortlisted thrice for the International Institute of Communications (IIC) global competition for her essays on the ‘twin transition’ and the evolving communications ecosystem.
Prior to joining ComReg, Lara was a research analyst at the European Court of Auditors (ECA), an EU institution based in Luxembourg. She has previously worked in investor relations in London and as a management consultant at Accenture Dublin. Lara has a first-class honours in Economics and Business from Trinity College Dublin and is Schwarzman Scholar with a master’s in Global Affairs from Tsinghua University, Beijing.