Michelle Hallack

Michelle Hallack

Senior energy specialist, ESMAP

Michelle Hallack is a senior energy specialist at ESMAP. Previously she was responsible for the Energy Division’s knowledge agenda at the Inter-American Development Bank, working on program and policy issues across Latin America and the Caribbean, where she led the research team and coordinated the knowledge initiatives for the Energy Sector. Moreover, she led the creation of the clean hydrogen work program at the IDB to coordinate the initiatives at the bank group level. She has more than 17 years of experience in energy and regulatory economics, she has worked as strategic advisor for policy makers, regulators, and companies. Michelle is Energy Policy Advisor at Florence School of Regulation, holds a PhD from the University of Paris Sud XI of Economics, a Master from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, a European Master (Economics and Management of Network Industries – EMIN) and a Diploma in Economics Sciences of the State University of Campinas.

Ressources en ligne


Working paper Michelle Hallack, Miguel Vazquez Martinez, «Auctions to reveal consumers’ willingnessto- pay for low-carbon hydrogen projects: combining lessons from renewables and natural gas industries», Lire la suite

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