Özlem Bedre-Defolie
Associate Professor of Economics, ESMT Berlin, (affiliated) Associate Professor at University of Bergen, CEPR Research Fellow and MaCCI Research Fellow |
Özlem Bedre-Defolie is an Associate Professor of Economics (with tenure) at ESMT Berlin, an affiliated Associate Professor at University of Bergen, CEPR Research Fellow, and MaCCI Research Fellow. She received her PhD in Economics from Toulouse School of Economics, France, in 2009. She spent a year as a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at Ecole Polytechnique in Paris before joining ESMT. Her main research areas are applied microeconomic theory and industrial organization. She studies economics of multi-sided platforms, multiproduct firms, vertical contracts focusing on antitrust and regulation questions in digital markets. She has been awarded the prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Starting grant (2020-2025) for her work investigating optimal variety and quality provision by digital platforms, like online marketplaces. She is an associate editor at the RAND Journal of Economics, a co-editor at the International Journal of Industrial Organization, a member of the Board of Directors, BCCP Berlin Centre for Consumer Policies, Berlin, a member of the Industrial Economics committee of the German Economic Association, and a director at the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics, EARIE.