Régulation des plateformes numériques - Prochaine séance

La Chaire Recherche

La prochaine réunion du groupe de travail "Régulation des plateformes numériques" aura lieu le mardi 30 avril 2024, de 17h30 à 19h00.

Intervenant : Tobias Kircher - Technical University of Munich (Allemagne)

Papier : Social Disadvantages of Privacy? Its Convergent Consequences for the Access to App-based Education
(Inconvénients sociaux de la vie privée ? Ses conséquences convergentes pour l'accès à l'éducation basée sur les applications)

Abstract : Privacy regulations have the potential to inadvertently hinder access to app-based education for non-paying users. This could occur through two adaptation reactions—the erection of paywalls or the escalation of the frequency of advertisements—that have convergent consequences for access. Whether privacy regulation deprives learners of their free of charge access to education apps and of time spent on actually learning has remained obscure, as well as privacy’s social disadvantages in general. To inform public policymakers, we study in a difference-in-differences analysis the access and quality consequences of Apple’s 2019 ban on targeted advertising in child-directed education apps. We find that the ban, on average, reduced the likelihood that a child-directed education app is free by 1.7 percent. In apps remaining free of charge, the perceived app quality declined. The degraded app quality can be attributed to the escalation of the ad frequency causing distraction. Both the reduction in free access and the degradation of app quality were driven by high-quality apps. Learners with special educational needs were exposed to an increasing number of ads as well. These findings push forward the frontiers of knowledge of the consequences of privacy regulation and the pricing consequences of the regulation of the digital economy. In light of the disadvantaged position of underprivileged learners resulting from privacy regulation, it is imperative for public policymakers to consider counteractions. Firms could increase the perceived quality of their products, which is a critical success factor in the digital economy, by relinquishing advertisements.

Informations importantes :

  • Ici, le lien Microsoft Teams de la séance. La session durera 90 minutes (questions et réponses incluses).
  • Le groupe de travail fait partie des activités de la Chaire Gouvernance et Régulation de l'Université Paris Dauphine-PSL. Le groupe se réunit une fois toutes les deux semaines pour discuter, partager et présenter des documents de travail et/ou des idées concernant les développements récents dans le domaine de la régulation des plateformes. Nous avons des présentateurs internes et externes pour partager leur travail.
  • Si vous souhaitez présenter votre travail ou si vous pensez à quelqu'un pour le faire, veuillez envoyer un courriel à l'adresse suivante surjasama.lahiri@dauphine.psl.eu.

Nos communautés

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  • Fondation 300.png
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Nos partenaires

Les entreprises

  • ASFA_Log_CRVB_0.png
  • Ecologic-logo-rvb.png
  • logo_GROUPE_ADP_cmjn_0.png
  • RATP couleur grise.jpg
  • RTE_logo+signD_CMJN_CS4 - Copie_0.png
  • Le+logotype_0_0.png


Les institutions publiques

  • logo_conseil_2009_fr_gris_0.png
  • Logo_CGE-01_0_0.png
  • Cour des Comptes_0_0.png


Les experts


Les membres du Club des régulateurs

  • ACPR
  • ANJ
  • ARCEP new-court_2.png
  • logo_ART_cmjn.png
  • Logo DGAC_quadri_0.png