Emmanuel COMBE
Vice-President, French competition authority |
Emmanuel COMBE
Vice-President, French competition authority
Full professor of economics at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
PhD in Economics (University of Paris 1)
After spending five years in Ministry office (2007-2012), Emmanuel COMBE has been appointed in 2012 as Vice-President of the French Competition Authority. Specialist in competition, cartels, antitrust and new business models (low cost), he has published numerous articles and books on these subjects, such as "Le low cost" (2019) and "La politique de la concurrence" (2016).
Emmanuel Combe is a former student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (LSH), graduate in social sciences and doctor in economics. He obtained the Agrégation des Facultés (full professor status) in 1997. Emmanuel COMBE is Professor of Economics at the University of Paris 1 and affiliated professor at Skema Business School.