Commissioner, ACCC |
Cristina Cifuentes was appointed a Commissioner of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission in May 2013 for a five year term. She was re-appointed in May 2018 for a further five year term. Cristina has a breadth of experience in both the public and private sectors across public policy, finance and utility regulation, including positions at the Reserve Bank of Australia, the NSW Treasury and the Australian Securities Commission. She served as the State part-time Member of the Australian Energy Regulator between 2010 and 2013. Cristina was a member of the NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal between 1997 and 2006. Cristina is chair of the ACCC’s Communications Committee and the ACCC’s Infrastructure Committee. She oversees the ACCC’s regulatory role in relation to key infrastructure in areas such as telecommunications, wheat ports, rail, and water. She is also the Commonwealth Member of the AER Board which has responsibility for regulating the national electricity and gas markets. Before becoming an ACCC Commissioner, Cristina held a number of directorships including with the Hunter Water Corporation and First State Super Trustee Corporation. Cristina holds a first class honours degree in Law and a degree in Economics.