Jean-Yves OLLIER

Jean-Yves OLLIER

Conseiller d'État

Jean-Yves Ollier is a Conseiller d'Etat. 

He has chaired the OECD's Economic Regulators Network (2017) and the Regulators' Club (2014-2017), and was Vice-Chairman of the Appeals Committee of the European Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (2016-2021).

An alumnus of the ENS and ENA, a graduate of Sciences Po and holder of a DEA in history, Jean-Yves Ollier worked at the Conseil d'État as a rapporteur on the judging panels from 1995 to 1997, then as deputy secretary general until 1999. At the same time, he was secretary general of the Commission pour la transparence financière de la vie politique. Appointed to France's Permanent Representation to the European Union in 1999, he was deputy head of the Economic and Trade Affairs Department until 2001. He then joined AXA's audit department. A member of the Paris Bar from 2004 to 2011, he was a partner in the international law firm Allen & Overy from 2007 to 2011. He was then Director General of the Commission de Régulation de l'Energie from 2011 to 2017. He is a member of the Second Chamber of the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Conseil d'Etat and a judge of summary proceedings. He is the co-author, with Godefroy Beauvallet, of a report to the government on the organisation of the regulation of digital platforms (2019).

Online resources


Replay Andreas Schwab, Jens PRÜFER, Thomas COURBE, Antoine Babinet, Gabriele Carovano, Oles Andriychuk, Alexandre Lacresse, Alexandre de Streel, Jean-Yves OLLIER, Eric BROUSSEAU, Joëlle TOLEDANO, Chiara CACCINELLI, Isabelle Ryl, «Replay | Implementing the EU digital regulations: the Governance Challenge», Read more


Synthesis Denis Berthault, Eric BROUSSEAU, Jordan Cartier , Pierre Chastanet , Julien Chiaroni , Renaud Font, Laurent Lafaye, Anne-Sophie Taillandier, Jean-Yves OLLIER, Clément Tonon, «Synthesis | Data sharing, the challenges of regulatory projects», Read more


Synthesis Maya BACACHE, Eric BROUSSEAU, Anna BUTLEN, Jean-Yves OLLIER, Joëlle TOLEDANO, «Synthesis | Platform regulation», Read more


Synthesis Jen ABLITT, Ana BARRETO ALBUQUERQUE, Eric BROUSSEAU, Cristina CIFUENTES, Vanessa DA SILVA SANTOS, Annegret GROEBEL, Henri ISAAC, Sandy LAPOINTE, Jim FOX, Jean-Yves OLLIER, Anna PIETIKAINEN, Anne YVRANDE-BILLON, «Synthesis | Data collection, processing and publication», Read more
Synthesis Claudie BOITEAU, Vincent BRETEAU, Jean-Denis COMBREXELLE, Pierre COPPEY, Dominique JAMME, Patrick JEANTET, Antoine LOUVARIS, Philippe MARTIN, François MOLINIE, Jean-Yves OLLIER, Pascal SOKOLOFF, Thierry TUOT, Jean-François VAQUIERI, Anne YVRANDE-BILLON, «Synthesis | Economic regulation and contract(s)», Read more


Patrick ARMSTRONG, Ana BARRETO ALBUQUERQUE, Andy BURGESS, Adolfo CUEVAS TEJA , Nadia FILALI, Leif HANLEN, Gwendal LE GRAND, J. Scott MARCUS, Antonio NICITA , Antonio MANGANELLI , Jean-Yves OLLIER, Andrea RENDA, Anne YVRANDE-BILLON, « RegTechs: Feedback from the First Experiments», Read more
Interview Jean-Yves OLLIER, «Jean-Yves Ollier | Articulation entre régulation nationale et européenne», Read more


Michel BOYON, Eric BROUSSEAU, Guy CANIVET, Pierre CARDO, Isabelle DE SILVA, Olivier DOUVRELEUR, Laurence FRANCESCHINI, Jean-Michel GLACHANT, William E. KOVACIC , Maïlys LANGE, Bruno LASSERRE, Anne-Yvonne LE DAIN, Martine LOMBARD, Jean-Yves OLLIER, Anna PIETIKAINEN, Jean-Ludovic SILICANI , Bernard STIRN, Jean-Arnold VINOIS, «Réorganiser la Régulation : Pourquoi ? Comment ?», Read more


GovReg Note Antonin ARLANDIS, Christophe BONNERY, Eric BROUSSEAU, Chiara CACCINELLI, Pierre-Franck EDWIGE, Olivier HERZ, Christine LE BIHAN-GRAF, Jean-Yves OLLIER, Patricia PERENNES, Anne Béatrice SCHLUMBERGER, Angelos Souriadakis, Joëlle TOLEDANO, «The Institutional Organisation of Regulation in France: What Position and What Rules for the Authorities in Charge of Economic Regulation?», Read more
Synthesis Nicolas BOULANGER, Nicolas DESMONS, Henri ISAAC, Richard MONTBEYRE, Matthieu MORIN, Jean-Yves OLLIER, Etienne PFISTER , Nicolas QUINONES-GIL, «Synthesis | Monitoring activities: between traditional observation methods and Big Data», Read more

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