Author(s) |
Denis Berthault Eric BROUSSEAU Jordan Cartier Pierre Chastanet Julien Chiaroni Renaud Font Laurent Lafaye Anne-Sophie Taillandier Jean-Yves OLLIER Clément Tonon |
Publication type | Synthesis |
September, 29th 2022
This period is marked by a movement towards digital regulation on both sides of the Atlantic, particularly in Europe, where a number of texts are currently being finalised in Brussels, focusing on structuring platforms (Digital Market Act), content (social networks and media, Digital Service Act) and data, whether in terms of access (Data Act) or governance (Data Governance Act) of this data.
Data governance covers a number of areas: the rules for defining access regimes and usage controls; the rights of stakeholders and the negotiability of these rights; the sharing of the value that can be created from data; and the issues of liability, security and the obligations of the various stakeholders. In practice, this translates into a combination of technical operations and legal rules, public and private intervention, the definition - negotiated and imposed - of different regimes, and local and transnational standards.